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The Discipline of Discipleship

Sun, Mar 17



9:00AM & 11:00AM

The Discipline of Discipleship
The Discipline of Discipleship

Time & Location

Mar 17, 2024, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Covenant, 326 S Segoe Rd, Madison, WI 53705, USA

About The Event

During Lent, we will reflect on five Christian practices to help us become more faithful Christians, and more faithful followers of Jesus. We begin with more traditional practices of FASTING and PRAYING - and then continue with LISTENING, SIMPLIFYING, and UNPLUGGING which are very relevant for 21st century living. Sermons will present biblical foundations and offer ways to implement the practice with the goal of a deeper Christian faith for all of us. We encourage you to commit to in-person or online for all five of these sermons and to join other Covenant people in intentional Lenten spiritual growth. Adult Education on Sunday and Wednesday Lenten Suppers (and Worship) will also focus on these five themes, so we have ample opportunity to learn and grow

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