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Nursery Care at Covenant

Covenant welcomes families in many ways. One is providing experienced nursery care in a clean, safe environment for children under three years of age during Sunday morning Worship and Adult Christian Education classes.


Parents are invited to bring their children to the nursery, Room C101 (follow the frogs from the Welcome Center to the Nursery), 15 minutes prior to the worship service or classes. Parents will be asked to sign their children in. Beepers are available to parents in case a special need arises with their child.

  • 8:45am to 12:15pm (or 15 minutes following the end of the service)
    during the program year.

  • 9:15am to 10:45am from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend


If you have further questions, please contact the church office at (608) 233-6297.


The faithful nursery staff are Vicki Alexander and Eileen Durand.


Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9:00-4:00pm

Friday: 9:00-12:00pm


326 S Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53705

We are a community of people who gather to worship, learn, and grow as Christians. We don't have all the answers, but seek to discover God's will and ways in our families, community, and across the world. Together, we enjoy fellowship and strive to serve God in our daily lives.

Masks are optional at Covenant.

A motion was passed by our Session in concordance with our Reopening Task Force on March 9, 2023. Please be respectful of those who choose to wear a mask.

© 2020 by Covenant Presbyterian Church.

All rights reserved. Terms of UsePrivacy Policy.

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