Small Groups at Covenant
Small groups are a vital part of our growth spiritually and they give the opportunity to dive deeper into this Covenant community. We have engaging series/topics throughout the year, such as our last series on money and the choices we make with it, so keep checking back here! There will be groups that meet in person and some that meet virtually.
If you have any questions about small groups at Covenant, please contact Pastor Jess Scholten.
Ongoing Small Group Opportunities
Racists Anonymous Fellowship (RAF)
Meets seasonally on Thursdays at 7:00pm
RAF is a fellowship of individuals seeking to achieve personal recovery from racist habits and the effects of racism. Its purpose is to help individuals address their own role in the sin and addiction of racism. CLICK HERE to access the RAF group's website, which features the program guidebook and other resources (only group members may access the documents). Click here for more info on RAF.
Contact: Jennifer Morgan
Mercy Mats Small Group
Meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 1:30-3:00pm
A mercy mat is a hand-crocheted bed roll made from reused plastic shopping bags. As part of the Adult Education Committee’s theme of Compassion: Giving of Ourselves, this group will meet from 1:30-3:00 pm on the first and third Wednesdays of the month to sort, cut, and crochet strips of plastic into useful sleeping mats. Over 700 bags per mat are needed! You don’t need to know how to crochet to participate. An instructor will be present at each meeting. Watch this video to see how the mats are made. Completed mats will be donated to our mission partners Friends of State Street and Porchlight.
Contact: Nancy McCulley
Fiber Friends
Meets on the 1st Thursdays of the month from 10:00-11:30am in church lounge or on Zoom
Fiber Friends is a fellowship welcoming anyone who is working on a knitting, crocheting, or other fiber arts project. Some finished items may be for donation while others are personal projects. The members of the group are also able to offer help with knitting or crocheting questions, if needed. Come and enjoy time and fellowship with friends who share your love of fiber arts!
Contact: Alicia Mundy
Soul Sisters
Meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 12:30pm
Soul Sisters is open to all Covenant women. The purpose of gathering together is in three parts, woven together:
to have thought-provoking, inspiring and educational discussions
to envelop each other with warmth
to get to know other Covenant women better
They meet in person AND via Zoom. Contact us to find out how to get Zoom link and any other info!
Contact: Barb Eikenberry
Friday Book Club
Meets on the first and third Fridays of the month at 10:00am
Join us for conversation around a great book in the Lounge!
Contact: Kris Anderson
"Tuesday Talkers" Small Group
Meets Tuesdays at 10:30am
Join us for coffee and conversation in the Library.
Contact: Tom Bauer
Wednesday Morning Men's Group
Meets every other Wednesday at 8:30am
Join us for coffee and conversation in the Lounge.
Contact: Jim Spilburg
Thursday Morning Men's Group
Meets Thursdays at 7:30am
Join us for coffee and conversation on Zoom.
Contact: Eric Wendorff
Email Pastor Jess with any questions about small groups.