October 18, 2023
By Melissa Hinz
Midweek Musings is a bi-weekly Covenant blog with a variety of authors and a variety of topics.
In the past, the Covenant Choir has participated in collaborative projects with other Presbyterian choirs for different occasions, whether it be worship services or benefit concerts.
These opportunities to come together and create music,
to join voices,
to share a common space and time,
to worship,
are some of the more meaningful experiences I have had as a choir director.
These occasions also offer opportunities to create music that we would struggle to present with only our choir - some music requires more vocal resources than we have ourselves.
Who doesn't enjoy singing in a big group, feeling the power and strength of the voices around you? If you don't sing in the choir, I'm guessing you can still relate. It's like singing a familiar and well-loved hymn in worship when the Spirit moves in and through the voices around you, enveloping you in the power and presence of God. What a gift!
In the last several years, there has been much conversation and consideration about connection and how we might create time and space and opportunity for people to come together.
Many ministries at Covenant seek to offer opportunities for connection within our congregation and with the community. Conversation has begun about creating more intentional opportunities for collaboration and connection with other churches in our neighborhood.
Clergy and music staff from area congregations of different denominations have begun conversations about how we might come together to worship and connect on a regular basis. How can we, the beautiful and diverse Body of Christ, demonstrate in our collaborations what it truly means to be the Body of Christ, loving and serving our neighbor?
The possibilities are exciting, and we have a date for our first gathering. We will come together to worship, sing, pray and enjoy a pie reception on the evening before Thanksgiving (Wednesday, November 22). The service will take place at Bethany United Methodist Church.
There will be opportunities to sing in a combined choir and clergy/members from the various congregations will participate. And while leadership can plan these events, it will mean nothing if we as a congregation and a community do not make the choice to be a part of it.
I encourage you to put the date on your calendar and plan to come, sing, worship, connect and eat some pie!
One thing that I have learned over the last several years is that I need to be intentional about connecting with other people. It is far too easy to stay isolated!
I am excited about this collaboration and the opportunity for us to connect with our neighbors. I hope that you will consider being a part of this, too!