Sunday School
Sundays 10:00-10:50am - beginning Sept 8!
(3 years old through 8th grade)
Sunday School classes meet Sundays from 10:00-10:50am (September-May) and is for children 3 years old through 8th grade. When you're here, just follow the footprints to the Sunday School rooms! For security reasons, parents are asked to drop their children off in the Sunday School rooms.
Kaleidoscope Kids
Sundays during worship (except 1st Sundays)
(3 years old through 1st grade)
Kaleidoscope Kids takes place during our 9:00 worship service immediately following Children’s Time. At this time, our children are encouraged to join this class in Room C208. Kaleidoscope teaches our children about worship and helps prepare them to know what’s happening in the sanctuary. On Communion Sundays (1st Sunday of the month), we encourage our kiddos to experience communion with their families.
During the summer (beginning Memorial Day weekend), we move to one worship service at 9:30am.
Kaleidoscope Kids continues to meet during worship after Children's Time (except 1st Sundays as usual).
For more information, please contact Megan Berry, Associate Pastor for Children, Youth & Families..